Not only did I attend Mass once a week at school, I went with my family EVERY Sunday. Our family owned and operated a funeral home and it is still operating now. I grew up in a very Catholic community, church and home. However, before YOU start spewing off your holier than Thou garbage, hear this. I’m assuming you’re speaking from the organist and cantor point of view. I do love some traditional music, but I am open to new things. I do believe that perhaps you should reconsider your attitude. (although we did zoom mass during the first part of the pandemic) I also believe that most of the folks who attended my mother’s funeral had been to church very recently. I am 63 years old and I continue to go to mass every week. They were not perfect, they sinned, but they loved each other.Īlso, do not assume that people at funerals have not been to mass in years. But Jesus was with his apostles and they loved each other. Jesus was there with his apostles and there were no arias playing, but there were those 12 men there with Jesus. I am sure that there were not huge churches with organs playing at the Last Supper. Do not look down on those who have a different opinion. Yes I could have gone to some beautiful huge Churches and I occasionally did, but I felt like a stranger in these huge churches. The other music is beautiful, but I remember those people who helped me feel so welcome when I took part in the University Oratory of the Holy Spirit in Pittsburgh PA. I believe that is why there is different types of music. (Be Not Afraid, On Eagles’ Wings) I do realize that there is classical music that is beautiful but it does not touch my soul as though God is talking to me. When I was sad or concerned I played this music to help me sleep. I would have continued practicing my faith even without such welcoming people, but it came alive with these songs that really touched my heart, and sometimes still make me cry. I went on retreats and took part in a charismatic prayer group also.
I never met people I did not know who were so welcoming. I never had seen people who were so welcoming and following their Catholic faith, not because it was rote, but because they reallyīelieved and really tried to live it. The priests, the other students and everyone involved really were infused with the Holy Spirit. I do appreciate the traditional music now, but I felt alive in this group. However, I really found that the folks from the Catholic group when I went to College were much more religious, vibrant, alive, friendly, and I loved the music. Anyway, I attended Catholic church all my life. (We belonged to the Catholic Church in our small town that was for everyone and often had those, like me who were of polish or similar descent.) The other Catholic Church required a family to have a very Italian last name. The parish we belonged to in those days only had Catholic School from grades 1 to 6. I have been a Catholic all my life, ever since I attended Catholic School from Grades 1 to 6. How can you play funerals with any spirit of love and service in your heart with such hateful and judgmental attitudes? But you are not being fair to the music, or the heart of the people who also like the music, or are comforted by it. I get it, you don’t like modern music, you don’t like folk music, and the organ was the only instrument ordained by the Lord for Holy Music (or so it would seem reading your comments). Seems a bit overboard to call a song based on Jesus’ own words as “filth” Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35). Furthermore your bias is quite clear as you refer to “folk group cults,” but that you refer to “I am the bread of life” as horrid filth when in fact the words of Jesus are “I am the bread of life. The songs they choose aren’t good enough for you? How dare you judge what brings them familiar comfort. Your attitude and judgementalism is something I think you should consider before spewing such hateful comments, and perhaps before you serve another family. To John OBrien: Please never play at a funeral I attend.