
Free digital signature apps
Free digital signature apps

  1. #Free digital signature apps install
  2. #Free digital signature apps full
  3. #Free digital signature apps software

or EU government compliance, and digital signature support were all enough to make the grade. Things like encrypted or password-protected documents, U.S. Although we weren't looking for a specific set of features, any app that could store sensitive documents like contracts needed to address it in some way. You can find plenty of eSign apps with expensive plans, crazy contract lock-ins, and a focus on enterprise clients-but not on our list. We were looking for apps that will work for small businesses.

#Free digital signature apps install

The recipient also had to be able to do it without being forced to sign up for an account or install any apps. This is a really important feature for a dedicated eSign app and, like when signing a document yourself, we wanted it to be easy and pleasant for the recipient. Most of the apps featured enable you to send a document to someone else to have them sign it. While many apps can simply add a signature, we were looking for ones that were great to use that could fit into a lot of different workflows.

#Free digital signature apps software

But, the simpler and easier it is to do, the more different kinds of documents and devices that are supported, and the deeper the integrations with other apps and software platforms, the better. You obviously have to be able to actually add an electronic signature to a document-that's the whole point of these apps.

#Free digital signature apps full

For more details on our process, read the full rundown of how we select apps to feature on the Zapier blog.Īny good eSignature app has to do a few things. We're never paid for placement in our articles from any app or for links to any site-we value the trust readers put in us to offer authentic evaluations of the categories and apps we review. We spend dozens of hours researching and testing apps, using each app as it's intended to be used and evaluating it against the criteria we set for the category. What makes a great electronic signature app?Īll of our best apps roundups are written by humans who've spent much of their careers using, testing, and writing about software. PandaDoc for collecting payments when people sign

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Preview for occasionally signing documents on a MacĪdobe Acrobat Reader for occasionally signing documents on a PCĮSignatures.io for a pay-as-you-go option HelloSign for integration with cloud storage The 8 Best eSignature AppsĭocuSign for businesses that sign lots of things We sorted through more than 35 electronic signature apps-these are the best eight. Either way, we've got recommendations for the right apps to use. If you're reading this article, you're probably either looking for a way to electronically sign a document that's just been sent to you or want to send documents out to be digitally signed by contractors and other business partners. They're a lot more secure and legally recognized around the world. This creates both a "fingerprint" that makes the document unique and a paper trail that can be independently verified if, say, there's ever a court case.

free digital signature apps

They use cryptography to protect the document and also embed details like your email address, when and where you sign any document, and what device you use to do it. These are the ones created using dedicated eSign apps. A digital signature is a special kind of electronic signature.

Free digital signature apps